Content Marketing
Here you'll find links to a representative sampling of online articles and other content written by Jeffrey Briskin. For samples of Jeff Briskin's digital and traditional marketing work for financial services companies, visit the financial marketing area of this site.
Bylined articles​
Proactive Advisor: Correcting Five Common Misconceptions About TAMPS
- Lifetime Survived COVID, But Is It a Healthy Investment?
Advisor Perspectives: Pershing Conference Highlights: Julia Louis Dreyfus
The Wealth Advisor: Buckingham Strategy Partners Update​​
Articles written in collaboration with industry thought leaders
FA Magazine: The Time for a More Nimble Fixed Income Approach May Be Here
The Wealth Advisor: Two Strategies for Fighting Inflation Fears
Advisor Perspectives: Five Ways Active Managers Can Overcome Passive Resistance
The Wealth Advisor: Social Security Timing: The New Frontier of Financial Planning
Investor education
Wealthramp's Financial Decisions Center: Fifteen pages of SEO-driven financial education content covering a variety of subjects created for a website that matches investors with fee-only financial advisors.
Canby Financial Advisors educational blog posts
A representative sample of nearly 100 articles written by Jeff Briskin in collaboration with Canby Financial's advisors.
Three Ways that Job-Hopping Could Derail Your Retirement Plans
Understanding Inherited IRAs’ RMD and 10-Year Cleanout Rules
Understanding the Fear Factors That Lead to Fight or Flight Investing